
Why More Nutrition Information Is Not What You Need

A few weeks back I wrote about some of the amazing things people were doing in my New Age Nutrition Club. Essentially we talked about making conscious decisions around food and eating. If you missed that blog you can check it out HERE.


Last week we had our weekly video call, we were halfway through the program so I asked a few questions about what everyone is most proud of during the first 4 weeks.


The answers surprised me a little but made me extremely happy. What surprised me most was people did not focus so much on the scale but instead focused on what they are doing daily to help them reach their goal and how they feel.


The two that stood out to me the most were: Carolina In the past Carolina felt like she was always hungry between meals, she would have some fruit like an apple but would still feel hungry about 10 minutes after. Instead of focusing on her “snack” Carolina started eating more balanced meals with some more protein and began feeling full longer and more satisfied. After eating more balanced meals and doing a kick-ass job of planning her meals her clothes are fitting better and she is seeing more definition in her arms. She feels her relationship with food has changed drastically.




Karen is a busy mom and professional who is constantly travelling for work. Karen has been doing a great job keeping things simple and focusing on one habit at a time. She is making more conscious decisions about what she is eating and enjoys eating more because she experiences things differently now that she is focusing on eating slowly.  Over the first 4 weeks, Karen has dropped a few lbs., inches from her body, and other people are noticing too! Last week Karen had 2 different people tell her that she looks great and like she has lost weight.


After we had a conversation about everyone’s progress we talked about what they felt helped them get there.  You may be thinking they said things like, the rules help keep us on track, I am not eating any carbs, or this is a new trick that I have never tried before.


In reality it was the exact opposite of all of that. I don’t think a single person talked about any of the information I was giving them and I am perfectly cool about that. They talked about the real value of the program, the accountability.


People talked about the interaction they get from everyone in the program. The weekly group video calls help bring everyone together, understand everyone’s struggles, and help everyone as a group.


Another big thing they talked about was the constant gentle pressure they receive to make sure they are staying on task and focusing on their habit. Through both the daily question in Coach Catalyst, weekly Google form, and weekly video calls it is easy to keep it top of mind. One person went as far as saying “It is not overwhelming but instead constant encouragement”.


Along with having that constant encouragement you know you have a group of people to fall back on. One client said, “If you fall off the wagon on your own you are shit out of luck, if you fall off the wagon here you have a group of people ready to help you back up”. I think this quote was absolutely brilliant and could not be any more spot on. Doing things on your own is hard; doing things in a group is much easier.


More information is not what people need, people need simple actionable steps that they can do each and every day to get 1% better.


This round of New Age Nutrition Club is going so well that I am already planning the next round at the end of March. If you are interested in receiving information first about the second round click HERE to get your name on the early bird list.


By joining the early bird list you are simply getting information first about the program you are not committing to anything!


If you have any questions about the program please give me a call @ 203-914-6396 or send an email to


-Coach Pat

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